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Before You Begin

How to Take Over Payments on a Motorcycle

Before You Begin

Before taking over any payments, you will need to show your credit history to the company you will be working with. You cannot legally transfer ownership to someone that is not on the loan without permission from the lienholder bank.

Steps to Take Over Payments

1. **Contact the Lender:** Reach out to the lender to inform them of your intent to take over the payments. They will provide you with the necessary paperwork and instructions. 2. **Review the Loan Agreement:** Carefully read and understand the loan agreement before signing. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the loan. 3. **Check Your Credit:** The lender will likely check your credit history to ensure you have the financial capability to take over the payments. 4. **Get Approved:** Once your credit is verified, the lender will approve or deny your request to take over the loan. 5. **Sign the New Loan Agreement:** If approved, you will need to sign a new loan agreement with the lender. This agreement will transfer the loan into your name. 6. **Make the Payments:** Begin making payments on the loan as per the agreement. Ensure you make payments on time to avoid any penalties or damage to your credit score.


Taking over payments on a motorcycle can be a straightforward process if you follow the proper steps. By showing your credit history and understanding the loan agreement, you can ensure a smooth transition of ownership. Remember, it is crucial to make payments on time to maintain a positive credit history and avoid any potential issues with the lender.
