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Based On Stephen Kings Novella

Harrigan's Phone: A Supernatural Coming-of-Age Story

Based on Stephen King's Novella

Starring Donald Sutherland and Jaeden Martell

Netflix presents "Harrigan's Phone," a thrilling supernatural horror drama film premiering in 2022. Directed by John Lee Hancock and based on Stephen King's captivating novella, this film follows a young boy named Craig (Jaeden Martell) and his enigmatic friendship with a retired billionaire, Mr. Harrigan (Donald Sutherland).

As Craig's life takes an unexpected turn, he discovers a mysterious connection to his late friend through an old flip phone. Through this connection, Craig must face the unimaginable and confront the complexities of life, death, and the unknown.

Prepare yourself for a chilling and emotional journey as "Harrigan's Phone" unveils the depths of friendship, the power of technology, and the haunting secrets that lie beneath the surface.
